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Streams test library

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streamtest is a set of utils to test your stream based modules accross various stream implementations of NodeJS.

In fact, this repository's tests is a perfect example of its own usage ;).


First install streamtest in your project:

npm install --save-dev streamtest

Getting started

Then, use it:

var StreamTest = require('streamtest');

describe('My Stream Lib', function() {

  // Iterating through versions
  StreamTest.versions.forEach(function(version) {

    describe('for ' + version + ' streams', function() {

      // here goes your code
      it('should work', function(done) {

        StreamTest[version].fromChunks(['a ', 'chunk', 'and', 'another'])
          .pipe(StreamTest[version].toText(function(err, text) {
            if(err) {
            assert.equal(text, 'the text as i should be');







List of supported versions (currently v1 and v2).


Object available for each version containing the following methods.

StreamTest[version].fromChunks(chunks:Array, timeout:Number)

Create a readable stream streaming chunks each timeout milliseconds and then end. Usefull for testing buffer based streams.

StreamTest[version].fromObjects(objects:Array, timeout:Number)

Create a readable stream streaming objects each timeout milliseconds and then end. Usefull for testing objectMode based streams.

StreamTest[version].fromErroredChunks(err:Error, chunks:Array, timeout:Number)

Create a readable stream streaming chunks each timeout milliseconds, emit the err error and then end. Usefull for testing buffer based streams.

StreamTest[version].fromErroredObjects(err:Error, objects:Array, timeout:Number)

Create a readable stream streaming objects each timeout milliseconds, emit the err error and then end. Usefull for testing objectMode based streams.


Create a writable stream collecting written chunks and calling the cb function when it finishes.

The cb function take in an error and an Array of chunks.


Create a writable stream collecting written chunks and calling the cb function when it finishes.

The cb function take in an error and an Array of objects.


Create a writable stream collecting written chunks and calling the cb function when it finishes with the whole content converted to text.

The cb function take in an error and a string.


Feel free to submit us your improvements. To do so, you must accept to publish your code under the MIT license.

To start contributing, first run the following to setup the development environment:

git clone
cd streamtest
npm install

Then, run the tests:

npm test

