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Autorelease Github

npm David Build Status

Autorelease steps for Github repositories that creates Github releases with the changelog. Check out this very repo's releases for an example.

Check out autorelease-travis for Travis CI integration.

Quick Setup

To avoid the manual install process, use autorelease-setup. The prompts will guide you through the correct configuration.

npm i autorelease-setup -g

Manual Setup

Install with NPM as a dev dependency with autorelease:

npm i autorelease autorelease-github --save-dev

Add the following to a .autoreleaserc file in the root directory:

  "pre": {
    "verify": [ "autorelease-github/verify.js" ]
  "post": {
    "publishChangelog": [ "autorelease-github/create-release.js" ]

Make sure the Github repository URL is specified in the package.json file:

  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""

And lastly, set a Github personal access token to the GH_TOKEN environment variable. The token needs to have the minimum scopes of repo, read:org, user:email, and write:repo_hook.